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Amsterdam Journal of Social Sciences

PRIVACY POLICY (as of 1 September 2022)


The Amsterdam Journal of Social Sciences (‘AJSS’, ‘the journal’, ‘we’), operating under the website, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal platform for young scholars to share their work. In order to successfully run this initiative, we may collect personal information. This policy sets out about the kind of personal information we collect, the reason why we collect personal information and the ways in which we will use your personal information. 


How we collect your personal information

By using our [online] forms to give us your personal information, you agree to the collection and use of your information in line with this Privacy Policy. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. 


We may also use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. Some of these software tools may have separate Privacy Policies and although we make our best efforts when choosing the external services we use, AJSS is not responsible for the privacy practices of any external services. 


Why we collect your personal information

AJSS may collect and use personal information from you for the following reasons: 

  • To process and publish manuscripts and materials submitted to us.

  • To send our newsletter

  • To send invitations for and information on events that we are hosting and/or promoting 

  • To host and organise events 

  • To send any necessary follow-ups and feedback forms

  • To promote our work on our social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram)


The personal information we collect 

  • Names: this includes first name(s), middle name(s) and surname(s)

  • Email addresses

  • University where you are enrolled

  • Photographs

  • Curriculum Vitaes/Resumes 

  • Pronouns (optional)

  • Dietary restrictions (optional and for in-person events where food will be served)

  • Special health needs (optional in case for in-person events)

  • Whether you plan to attend an event in person or tune in virtually (in the case of hybrid events) 

Who will have access to your personal information

Your personal information will not be shared with anyone outside of AJSS unless absolutely necessary. This may be the case when we are organising events and deal with third parties (those outside AJSS that are helping us with organising events – for example: organisations we are collaborating with, those who work in food services, etc.) 


This is also the case with our website host. Our website is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to share your work. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.


How long we keep the information for

AJSS does not keep your personal data for longer than is necessary for collaborations and organising and holding events. In the case of events, photographs may be taken and these may be shared on our social media channels and kept in our archives.


Should you no longer want to work with us or receive updates and information from us, you can request to be removed from our mailing list. When you stop collaborating with us or request to be removed from our mailing list, we will remove your information from our records. If you would like us to delete any photographs we have, please contact us and we will do so. 



If you would like to contact us because:

  • You have any questions or concerns regarding the collection and use of your personal information

  • You would like to access, correct, amend, or delete your personal information 


Please do so by contacting: 

Amsterdam Journal of Social Sciences


When contacting us, do not send sensitive information. 


Changes to the Privacy Policy

Changes to the Privacy Policy can be made at any time and will take effect as soon as it is published on the website. 


Should changes be made to this Privacy Policy, contact will be made to the people whose personal information we hold. If you do not agree with any changes made to the Privacy Policy, please get in touch and we will remove your personal information from our records. 

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